
Boss bought us donuts the day before Thanksgiving. Kiss-ass coworker replies all to the email

(I posted this earlier but it was removed due to me posting a screenshot of the email; so I just copy and pasted the email) Pretty much just sharing how our Boss emailed us she brought Donuts for us yesterday. And this suck up coworker replied with this exact message-the only thing I removed was the company’s name: Sounds yummy! And it was !!!! Thank You !!!! I’d like to THANK YOU for always having our back and making sure we have everything we need to do our jobs. And I can sincerely say that in all the jobs I’ve had over many years, you’re the best manager I’ve ever worked for. Don’t ever leave (company’s name). Safe travels with, and to your family to celebrate the tradition of Thanksgiving! Like stfu, it’s just donuts stop buttering up to her. Hate kiss ass coworkers like this, how about she do…

(I posted this earlier but it was removed due to me posting a screenshot of the email; so I just copy and pasted the email)

Pretty much just sharing how our Boss emailed us she brought Donuts for us yesterday. And this suck up coworker replied with this exact message-the only thing I removed was the company’s name:

Sounds yummy! And it was !!!! Thank You !!!!
I’d like to THANK YOU for always having our back and making sure we have everything we need to do our jobs.
And I can sincerely say that in all the jobs I’ve had over many years, you’re the best manager I’ve ever worked for.
Don’t ever leave (company’s name).
Safe travels with, and to your family to celebrate the tradition of Thanksgiving!

Like stfu, it’s just donuts stop buttering up to her. Hate kiss ass coworkers like this, how about she do something more substantial like give you a holiday bonus or an extra day off?

I guess I’m extra irritated cause In addition to the brown-nosing I’ve had unfavorable experiences with this boss: is useless when I go to her , she wasn’t the one who hired or promoted me, and instead of looking into my concerns she suggests that I demote myself when I go to her with a concern, she suggested I could demote myself if the position is causing me too much stress . I haven’t had many jobs, but this is my worst boss yet

In regards to the email, totally kiss ass behavior right?

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