
Boss calls us salaried employees, but we get none of the perks of salaried employees.

So I started a new job about a month ago. Small growing company, less than 50 employees in four states. My boss seems to be a good guy. But I was chatting with my coworker about making up time when we need time off for a doctor's appointment or such, I asked why, if we're salaried, do we have to make up our time? Isn't it a perk of being salaried that you get paid the same no matter your time worked for the week? Yet if I go a little over 40 hours, like punching out a couple of minutes after my shift, I don't get OT pay. Which would be correct if I was salaried. Seems he wants to have it both ways. Has anyone ever heard of this? Thoughts are appreciated. Thanks. Oh, and were told the reason we have to punch in and out is so…

So I started a new job about a month ago. Small growing company, less than 50 employees in four states. My boss seems to be a good guy. But I was chatting with my coworker about making up time when we need time off for a doctor's appointment or such, I asked why, if we're salaried, do we have to make up our time? Isn't it a perk of being salaried that you get paid the same no matter your time worked for the week? Yet if I go a little over 40 hours, like punching out a couple of minutes after my shift, I don't get OT pay. Which would be correct if I was salaried. Seems he wants to have it both ways. Has anyone ever heard of this? Thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.

Oh, and were told the reason we have to punch in and out is so that the system can calculate our PTO based on the hours we work. Does that sound reasonable?

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