
Boss constantly making inappropriate comments

And I don't necessarily mean sexually–although she has made repeated comments about how I should date a certain coworker, and has even tried to force me into situations where I interact with him, which has made me incredibly uncomfortable to the point I just avoid him so she won't say something. But it just feels like everything she says is inappropriate. But like she is able to present it as friendly banter and “sassiness.” Some examples are she constantly tells colleagues I am shy (I am not), she makes comments on my appearance (both good and bad, though I want neither) she comments on my energy level (I have major depression and an endocrine disease so that is never changing) she constantly tells me I need to drink more caffeine when I'm not perky enough (I cannot). She constantly gives me unsolicited (bad) advice on literally everything. It's almost as…

And I don't necessarily mean sexually–although she has made repeated comments about how I should date a certain coworker, and has even tried to force me into situations where I interact with him, which has made me incredibly uncomfortable to the point I just avoid him so she won't say something. But it just feels like everything she says is inappropriate. But like she is able to present it as friendly banter and “sassiness.” Some examples are she constantly tells colleagues I am shy (I am not), she makes comments on my appearance (both good and bad, though I want neither) she comments on my energy level (I have major depression and an endocrine disease so that is never changing) she constantly tells me I need to drink more caffeine when I'm not perky enough (I cannot). She constantly gives me unsolicited (bad) advice on literally everything. It's almost as if she thinks we are more familiar than we really are? She is my boss, and I have never once given her the impression she can speak so casually and inappropriately with me. We have never been “friends”. Honestly she is like this with most people but it feels like it's tenfold with me since she relies on me the most as second in command and she has complete control over my job. It really wasn't until I took on a supervisor role myself that I really processed how inappropriate her behavior towards me is–because I would never in a million years say the shit she says to me to someone on my team.

Is there anything I can do about this? Individually it all looks like little inconsequential things, but it just piles up and I'm just so tired. I like my job well enough by itself, but she is making me hate coming in. But I'm worried about making things worse if I go to HR. I've been told I need to create boundaries, but how do you even do that with the person in charge of you?

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