
Boss Cut My Hours Because I Couldn’t Stop Shitting (lmao)

I called out of work today. I’m having stomach issues and am frequently running to the restroom. I believe it’s due to the meat I ingested from last night’s dinner. I called out because I couldn’t even sit for 5 minutes in my vehicle without needing to rush to the restroom. My boss told me that if I stayed out today, I be suspended from my job. I wasn’t okay with this, but I couldn’t just kindly ask my body to cut me a break. she cut my hours to 3 days a week, knowing that I have a baby on the way. Is this legal? I’d like to add that I work in the food industry and am one of the few that cook in the kitchen. On our kitchen door, there is a poster stating that we are not to be at work while dealing with issues like…

I called out of work today. I’m having stomach issues and am frequently running to the restroom. I believe it’s due to the meat I ingested from last night’s dinner. I called out because I couldn’t even sit for 5 minutes in my vehicle without needing to rush to the restroom. My boss told me that if I stayed out today, I be suspended from my job. I wasn’t okay with this, but I couldn’t just kindly ask my body to cut me a break. she cut my hours to 3 days a week, knowing that I have a baby on the way. Is this legal? I’d like to add that I work in the food industry and am one of the few that cook in the kitchen. On our kitchen door, there is a poster stating that we are not to be at work while dealing with issues like these as we work in this industry. Should I see a lawyer?

I’d like to add that I didn’t see a doctor. I’ve been taking over the counter medicine and being easy on my body. I have zero benefits and cannot afford a doctors consultation at this time, so I use medicines to combat the symptoms. So far, with time, my stomach pain has eased off and my trips to the restroom are far less frequent. A day to rest was all that was needed.

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