
Boss decided she doesn’t want us to have a chair anymore

I work at a pretty low traffic store, more than half the time there is no customers inside. Most of the time it’s one employee working at a time but sometimes there are overlapping shifts. Well I’m first shift today and when I got here in the morning, I noticed that our nice (and relatively new) swivel chair was gone. Huh, weird. I asked our janitor if he knew where it was. He said that big boss told him to get rid of it. That she doesn’t want a chair behind the counter anymore. He said he already “threw it away”(!?). Now mind you this chair we had was actually pretty nice and one of my coworkers bought it with his own money (we used to have a different chair but another one of our coworkers broke it). And it was just thrown in the garbage. Now we do have…

I work at a pretty low traffic store, more than half the time there is no customers inside. Most of the time it’s one employee working at a time but sometimes there are overlapping shifts.

Well I’m first shift today and when I got here in the morning, I noticed that our nice (and relatively new) swivel chair was gone. Huh, weird. I asked our janitor if he knew where it was. He said that big boss told him to get rid of it. That she doesn’t want a chair behind the counter anymore. He said he already “threw it away”(!?). Now mind you this chair we had was actually pretty nice and one of my coworkers bought it with his own money (we used to have a different chair but another one of our coworkers broke it). And it was just thrown in the garbage. Now we do have a stool that we can sit on, but it’s not nearly as comfortable, and if there’s more than one employee here the one without it is SOL.

I don’t understand why employers are so anti sitting down. I mean usually no one’s in here and even if there are, customers don’t give a shit. Sometimes I would even sit in the chair to help me reach stuff behind the counter, cause I’m not good at bending. It’s so frustrating. Why do they do this??

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