
Boss doesn’t want to give me a raise

I finally got up the courage to ask for a raise and management doesn’t want to give it to me. They said I’ve been meeting some of my KPIs but not all of them. I said I’ve never been given a copy of my KPIs and don’t even know what they are. In the meeting my boss and the director couldn’t even agree between themselves what my KPIs should be. I got told off for bringing down the “culture” when I tried to stand up for myself after the director called me out in front of the team for something he said was okay a couple of weeks ago. I also got told off for not bringing my laptop home everyday because the other day the director texted me at 8pm at night to do something and I wasn’t available. I said none of the team brings their laptop home…

I finally got up the courage to ask for a raise and management doesn’t want to give it to me. They said I’ve been meeting some of my KPIs but not all of them. I said I’ve never been given a copy of my KPIs and don’t even know what they are. In the meeting my boss and the director couldn’t even agree between themselves what my KPIs should be.

I got told off for bringing down the “culture” when I tried to stand up for myself after the director called me out in front of the team for something he said was okay a couple of weeks ago. I also got told off for not bringing my laptop home everyday because the other day the director texted me at 8pm at night to do something and I wasn’t available. I said none of the team brings their laptop home everyday and they need to tell the whole team that is the rule now and not just single me out. My boss then claimed I’m the “worst offender”.

When I tried to give examples of why I deserve a raise I listed three very successful projects that I have been the lead on and was told that it was a team effort. I mean, obviously, but I was there to talk about my personal achievements in relation to my salary. He also asked me if I think my work on those projects was really going “above and beyond”. I said it’s hard for me to quantify what that means without my KPIs but I believe my salary doesn’t reflect the work I do. I then provided them with a salary guide which shows I’m being paid $10k less than the minimum industry standard.

They said that it seems like I resent being there and I said I love what I do but to be honest it often feels like my efforts go unappreciated and my salary is a part of that but it also seems like I am singled out for behaviour that everyone does and it’s often done in front of the whole team. I was then told that wasn’t true and I take things too personally. How am I supposed to take it when I’m singled out like that?

My boss said he will discuss it with the director and get back to me. I’ve still not been given my KPIs. The rest of the team still haven’t been told they have to bring their laptop home. If I don’t get a raise I am tempted to quit but the job market is terrible and I need the money. I don’t know how much more I can take though

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