
Boss emailed about a mandatory meeting with less than 12 hours notice. Oh, and it’s on Rosh Hashanah.

Every time we have a “mandatory meeting,” we get less than 24 hours notice. This was sent late Friday afternoon about a Saturday meeting, which happens to coincide with the second holiest day of the Jewish New Year. I already took time off at the start of December and was really, really clear that it does not matter if there's an emergency or crisis; I will not be available. Period. (I turn my phone off for religious holidays.) I only saw this message because I pulled out my phone to turn it off for synagogue. If she had sent it thirty minutes later, I wouldn't have seen it. We are in an area with a very large Jewish population, one of the largest in the country. I'm so frustrated with this job that I'm posting it even though the holiday is still happening and I really shouldn't be on my…

Every time we have a “mandatory meeting,” we get less than 24 hours notice. This was sent late Friday afternoon about a Saturday meeting, which happens to coincide with the second holiest day of the Jewish New Year. I already took time off at the start of December and was really, really clear that it does not matter if there's an emergency or crisis; I will not be available. Period. (I turn my phone off for religious holidays.) I only saw this message because I pulled out my phone to turn it off for synagogue. If she had sent it thirty minutes later, I wouldn't have seen it. We are in an area with a very large Jewish population, one of the largest in the country.

I'm so frustrated with this job that I'm posting it even though the holiday is still happening and I really shouldn't be on my phone. This is probably the third time something major or mandatory has happened where I explicitly stated I was off the clock and would not be available. (One other incident was Passover, another Jewish holiday.)

There's a reason they can't keep staff longer than a few months. I've been here less than a year and I'm the fourth most senior worker. In six months, we've had at least five people start and quit. If I didn't need to pay for grad school, I'd be gone.

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