
Boss essentially said my position doesn’t warrant communication or respect

Title says it all. I am a front line worker in a childcare organization. Our manager, who is universally loved by the school staff, parents, and children, was transferred with no notice and replaced with a much more authoritarian manager. Literally there one day and gone the next. It had been over a month with new manager and still no communication about why, how, or for how long the new manager would be with us. I had school staff asking, I had parents asking, I had kids asking. The only information I knew is that my former manager sometimes struggled with paper work, as they oversee over 70 kids and often needed to be around with the kids and staff due to staff shortages. Program director showed up to talk to us all 'one on one' (so they couldn't be held accountable by a group). Basically said we didn't need…

Title says it all. I am a front line worker in a childcare organization. Our manager, who is universally loved by the school staff, parents, and children, was transferred with no notice and replaced with a much more authoritarian manager. Literally there one day and gone the next. It had been over a month with new manager and still no communication about why, how, or for how long the new manager would be with us. I had school staff asking, I had parents asking, I had kids asking. The only information I knew is that my former manager sometimes struggled with paper work, as they oversee over 70 kids and often needed to be around with the kids and staff due to staff shortages.

Program director showed up to talk to us all 'one on one' (so they couldn't be held accountable by a group). Basically said we didn't need to know any information about managers because we just need to 'show up and do our job'. That if they could have transitioned it better they would have (so why didn't they? Definitely was a snap decision made in anger by upper management). And that it was unreasonable for the former manager to come in and help the new manager understand the kids and their behaviours/what works for them. The former manager is still employed and working in another location, so they absolutely could come in and assist.

Over and over again told 'it is what it is', dismissed any suggestions at making the transition or communication better, and told to just show up and work with the kids. Showing they don't give a fuck about me or what I do. I should have known because all corporations fucking suck, but to screw over 10+ employees because of a decision you don't even have the balls to explain or state was a wake up call. Fuck my employer.

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