
Boss fires me for “no call no show”

After work last night I informed my boss that I had noticed that my pay had dropped drastically since a new pay scale was implemented (paid by foot of fence installed.) The change over the past 9 weeks from before was a drop of over $3 per hour. I told him that I would not show up to work until my pay was increased and my previous check was brought up to the old standard. Mind you he has consistently been late with payroll, lied about raises, talks about other employees behind their back, and he has also been paying us with paper checks. My work load has only increased since the change with him firing one of my coworkers. Am I in the right here? Can he fire me for a no call no show after a written intent of not going to work the next day? And are…

After work last night I informed my boss that I had noticed that my pay had dropped drastically since a new pay scale was implemented (paid by foot of fence installed.) The change over the past 9 weeks from before was a drop of over $3 per hour. I told him that I would not show up to work until my pay was increased and my previous check was brought up to the old standard. Mind you he has consistently been late with payroll, lied about raises, talks about other employees behind their back, and he has also been paying us with paper checks. My work load has only increased since the change with him firing one of my coworkers. Am I in the right here? Can he fire me for a no call no show after a written intent of not going to work the next day? And are the paper checks considered being paid under the table?

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