
Boss forced me (16m) to have private Bible studies in his car about Porn and Premarital Sex

This is going to be a very long post full of my personal hell from the last year, and is very poorly written. Please enjoy I started working at an Ice Cream shop a couple months after I turned 15, found it off of a Facebook ad. They advertised $13-$15 an hour. They hired me on the spot, only to tell me the day after I started that 15 year olds only get $7.25 an hour until they turn 16. I still stayed for some reason. I was promoted to $15 an hour 3 months later because the owner liked me. Fast forward 6 months full of drama, the owner fires the manager, and the General Manager decides to leave. Leaving lil ole 15 year old me in the Manager position 1 month before I turn 16. The new general manager was incompetent, so I had to take half of…

This is going to be a very long post full of my personal hell from the last year, and is very poorly written. Please enjoy

I started working at an Ice Cream shop a couple months after I turned 15, found it off of a Facebook ad. They advertised $13-$15 an hour. They hired me on the spot, only to tell me the day after I started that 15 year olds only get $7.25 an hour until they turn 16. I still stayed for some reason. I was promoted to $15 an hour 3 months later because the owner liked me. Fast forward 6 months full of drama, the owner fires the manager, and the General Manager decides to leave. Leaving lil ole 15 year old me in the Manager position 1 month before I turn 16. The new general manager was incompetent, so I had to take half of the previous GM's responsibilities, on top of the old Managers responsibilities. While still getting paid the same $15 an hour (the previous manager was getting $20). When the owner caught wind that I wasn't happy about getting no pay increase for a massive new workload, he came in while I was being trained on cleaning the Ice Cream machines. He yelled about how easily replaceable I am, and how I won't make $15 an hour anywhere else. Going on about how ungrateful I am. So I planned to come in the next day and quit (I would've quit right then and there but I don't like to be impulsive). So I came in the next day, and he apologized, and told me how unchristlike it was of him to act that way, and how he promises to never do it again. So I decided to stay (stupid, I know). I turned 16, and we neared the end of the season. Next season starts and he asked me to come in a week early and do Ice Cream machine maintenance. I agree, and come in on Monday to start on the machines. But we didn't start on the machines. He asks me to come back to his office and he brings out his Bible. He starts reading a verse, and starts questioning me about sexual immorality. He goes on a rant about porn and premarital sex (making sure to let me know that he could've had all of the women he wanted when he was my age). I'm sure I was very clearly uncomfortable, but that didn't stop him. And for the next week, he had a Bible study every day. And the days that the General manager was there prepping for the season opening, he made me go sit in his car so she couldn't hear. He tried to question me and get me to confess sexual sins to him. Obviously I didn't say shit to this weirdo lmao. He promoted me to $20 an hour that week, so I dealt with the BS for the cash. I knew I wouldn't get that type of money anywhere else (as he reminded me daily). But then the problems with the General Manager started. She was horrible. Refused to work and instead of firing her, he pushed all of her responsibilities onto me. She was supposed to do the hiring and get interviews lined up. She didn't do shit, so he asked me to do it off the clock, I agreed because I didn't really have a choice. We were a week into the season, and she refused to get out the next months schedule. So he asked me to take over scheduling, and I agreed because that makes my life a lot easier. But the GM didn't like that. She called him the first time, and complained that she didn't have enough time off. So I fixed it, and asked her if theres anything else I should know about or fix. She said no and thanked me. The next day she called again to complain, but this time the owner had me listen to it while on speaker. She continued to lie, and claim that she's asked me to give her certain days off. and she said she doesn't feel comfortable with her “assistant” scheduling her. So at this point, I've had the scheduling, shopping, machines, inventory, and ordering thrown onto me (a 16 year old) and the only thing she has to do is money, but I'm her assistant? I came in the next day and quit. They both cried, she apologized, and they both asked me to stay, and the owner promised that he would fix things. I took the next week off and came back. Nothing changed. We were planning on firing the GM and having me take over. He backed out 3 times. She started a sob story about her boyfriend being emotionally abusive (he also works there) and used it to manipulate and get her way. The owner fired her boyfriend and claimed it was because I wanted him fired. So now I have this armed man pissed off at me, who I have to see daily because he picks this girl up from work. Over the last 2 months into this season he had started calling me at night after work for hours at a time. There were multiple times I was up at 1am with this dude when I had to be at work at 7am. And one of those nights he asked me if I was happy with my pay. I said no, and that I shouldn't be getting half of what the GM is getting when I'm doing all of the work. (With work 8 months out of the year, and 30 hours a week I was getting around $20k a year. She is salaried year round, for 45 hours a week, getting $40k.) He didn't like that. He broke out the ole Bible and told me that I was dead wrong, and read off the parable of the servants in the vineyard. He told me that he was disappointed with me, and that I need to record this and listen to myself because I am dead wrong. Even with all of this shit, I still went in the next morning at 7am, cleaned all of the machines, asked the Assistant Manager to come in at 1pm for opening, left my key and credit card on the desk, and texted him that I quit. I could've fucked him over hard, but I didn't. And the holy christian man has proceeded to demonize me to my old co-workers. I couldn't care less. I found a new job getting over $40k a year and couldn't be happier. Fuck you Jeff.

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