
Boss Gave Notice and Couldn’t Figure Out Why I’m Slacking

I work at a startup. Apparently, the product I’m on is going under and I’m going down along with it. The issue is that I have a long notice compared to my other coworkers. Everyone in the states is “at will” (I think that’s the term, they can fire them with zero notice), but I have a 3 month notice. So, they tried to get me to sign away my 3 month benefit and told me if I didn’t then they’d just fire me that week, since they have to prepare for the product going under. I told them to go ahead then, but I wasn’t signing away my job security. I thought that was that and began entering senioritis and pulling back. I was still working, and still handing things in, I just wasn’t going at the breakneck pace I was before, or working overtime. So, I was pulled…

I work at a startup.

Apparently, the product I’m on is going under and I’m going down along with it. The issue is that I have a long notice compared to my other coworkers. Everyone in the states is “at will” (I think that’s the term, they can fire them with zero notice), but I have a 3 month notice. So, they tried to get me to sign away my 3 month benefit and told me if I didn’t then they’d just fire me that week, since they have to prepare for the product going under.

I told them to go ahead then, but I wasn’t signing away my job security. I thought that was that and began entering senioritis and pulling back. I was still working, and still handing things in, I just wasn’t going at the breakneck pace I was before, or working overtime.

So, I was pulled into a meeting with my boss who wanted to know why I was slacking. He was saying everyone knew their jobs were on the line, but everyone else was pulling 110% to save the product but me and he wanted to know why. I explained that if my job would be there after I did 110%, and the product pulled through, then I’d gladly pull with the team. But if I’m gone regardless, then I had to focus on applying for other work and building up my client list again.

He said he can’t make garuntees about that, but regardless I needed to have the same output as before because I do still work there, so no slacking. I can either be half assed or close out my time with my best effort, the choice was mine.

It’s days later and I’m still not sure what to do with this. I do really like my boss and adore my coworkers, it’s why I put in so much effort. But, now I just feel a little beat down and exhausted. I’m so burnt out after working so hard so long, I’m not really sure how to dig deep for a job that won’t even be there in a couple months, and I’m not sure that’s even a wise thing to do.

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