
Boss goes with another hire, overwhelms me with work, then ignores/mistreats me again

I'm a contractor – and was told to apply for the job I have now. I do – then told that they had hundreds of applicants for the position, and went with another candidate. Had position for 6 months. Had a feeling they wouldn't hire me. Did the best I could – was prompt with tasks, emails, etc. Really needed this job. Treated me like absolute trash for months – complete torture and treated me condescendingly and with disdain. They tell me they went with another candidate (I congratulated them – pretended it didn't bother me at all – maintained my composure, smiled and tried to display some class) – all the sudden, they starts acting nice. Like a real person. Then overloads me with work for 2 weeks. 1 week left, no word on my replacement or if I'm training anyone. They are mercurial, and one of those types…

I'm a contractor – and was told to apply for the job I have now. I do – then told that they had hundreds of applicants for the position, and went with another candidate. Had position for 6 months. Had a feeling they wouldn't hire me. Did the best I could – was prompt with tasks, emails, etc. Really needed this job. Treated me like absolute trash for months – complete torture and treated me condescendingly and with disdain. They tell me they went with another candidate (I congratulated them – pretended it didn't bother me at all – maintained my composure, smiled and tried to display some class) – all the sudden, they starts acting nice. Like a real person. Then overloads me with work for 2 weeks. 1 week left, no word on my replacement or if I'm training anyone. They are mercurial, and one of those types of corporate narcissists that are nice to anyone with a title, but treats their staff like trash.

Why were they starting to be nice to me all of the sudden? Honestly think mental illness has to be a component there, somehow.

Another question: I believe very deeply in doing good work. Attend to tasks quickly, and with care. Work hard and do what's right. But was stuck in this company – where people reply to emails when they feel like it… and barely write or speak coherently (people WELL ABOVE my paygrade). Presentations are sloppy and incomplete – and training is piss poor. Is this just how it is 2023? Where did pride go? Or is it just me? Am I too rigid and old-fashioned? Why does it seem like everyone has sharp elbows these days? Seems like so many are literally working 5-6 hours a day and pissing the rest away… Or maybe just full of myself? Asking sincerely.

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