
Boss going back on her word

I'm currently at a job that overall really isn't too bad. It's a small business and I'm one of like six employees. At our last staff meeting, the owner of the buisness asked if I would take over handling the buisness emails on my three days off in exchange for three extra hours of pay each week. The owner said it was because they wanted response times to emails to be under 24 hours. I agreed and once I had access to the accounts I started right away. This week I noticed I did not get paid any of the extra hours I worked and when asked if she was still going to honor it she backtracked completely, claiming she never said that I would get paid three hours, she said she'd pay me for one hour to handle all emails during my three days off. Needless to say, I…

I'm currently at a job that overall really isn't too bad. It's a small business and I'm one of like six employees.
At our last staff meeting, the owner of the buisness asked if I would take over handling the buisness emails on my three days off in exchange for three extra hours of pay each week. The owner said it was because they wanted response times to emails to be under 24 hours. I agreed and once I had access to the accounts I started right away. This week I noticed I did not get paid any of the extra hours I worked and when asked if she was still going to honor it she backtracked completely, claiming she never said that I would get paid three hours, she said she'd pay me for one hour to handle all emails during my three days off. Needless to say, I will not be on call doing emails across my three days off for one hour of pay. If its so easy and trivial to write emails that are professional and prompt, then they can have that responsibility back for themselves.

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