
Boss got spicy so we did exactly what she said [malicious compliance]

My boss, let’s call her Kim, has been an extra pleasure to work with. /s she’s on the verge of losing her job for the lack of actual leadership and is feeling the pressure, today especially. This afternoon she sent an email that reads something like this: “Attention all. Effective immediately everyone in [department that handles incoming phone calls] should answer the phone using the following script. ‘My name is Kim, all phone calls and personal visits may be recorded for quality and training purposes” There are NO exceptions” Pretty immediately there was some rumbling as the team tried to decipher if we are supposed to insert our own name or if we needed to pretend to be one person (some weird rules have come out recently like this). Well she must have heard some rumblings because she came stomping out of her office roaring “IF YOH HAVE A PROBLEM…

My boss, let’s call her Kim, has been an extra pleasure to work with. /s she’s on the verge of losing her job for the lack of actual leadership and is feeling the pressure, today especially. This afternoon she sent an email that reads something like this:

“Attention all. Effective immediately everyone in [department that handles incoming phone calls] should answer the phone using the following script.

‘My name is Kim, all phone calls and personal visits may be recorded for quality and training purposes”

There are NO exceptions”

Pretty immediately there was some rumbling as the team tried to decipher if we are supposed to insert our own name or if we needed to pretend to be one person (some weird rules have come out recently like this). Well she must have heard some rumblings because she came stomping out of her office roaring “IF YOH HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY DIRECTION YOU COME TO ME YOU DO NOT DISCUSS IT ON THE FLOOR!”

This is also a manager that has a record of using issues like this being brought up to negatively impact your performance reviews and can cause you to lose a raise.

Well the team immediately all began to comply with the letter of the law and answering the phone with exactly that script. With the name Kim and all.

Play stupid games I guess 🫡

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