
Boss guilt tripping me for leaving

I 20F work at a sandwich shop as an opener and have been working there for a month ish. I go back to school in the fall. I said to boss in the interview that I would not be going back to school to get the job as I was desperate and no one else was hiring. This was in late june. I handed in my two weeks today and told my boss I was going back to school in September. He proceeded to tell me that what I was doing was “not right”. That I made a “verbal contract to stay” and he would have hired someone else. Then he accused me of lying about why I had to go back to school. He said that I put him in a bad position and he’s making me train some other kid to open (which I don’t mind). What bothers…

I 20F work at a sandwich shop as an opener and have been working there for a month ish. I go back to school in the fall. I said to boss in the interview that I would not be going back to school to get the job as I was desperate and no one else was hiring. This was in late june. I handed in my two weeks today and told my boss I was going back to school in September.

He proceeded to tell me that what I was doing was “not right”. That I made a “verbal contract to stay” and he would have hired someone else. Then he accused me of lying about why I had to go back to school. He said that I put him in a bad position and he’s making me train some other kid to open (which I don’t mind). What bothers me is he said I would be training like it was some sort of punishment. Mind u, he pays me minimum wage and not a penny more despite all the effort that goes into opening a store by myself.

I’m a sensitive person and this has made me feel awful. Any thoughts or advice on my situation. I am dreading the next two weeks as I fear he’ll be hostile towards me.

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