
Boss ignoring a doctor’s note

My wifes and my boss is choosing to ignore a doctors note and put old folks at risk. Instead she threatens me with a write up. For context we were at work when i got a call from our babysitter saying our kids have lice which was confirmed at urgent care. The doctor gave us a doctor's note saying we cant be at work until the morning after the first treatment. We brought the note to our clinical supervisor. Our boss made my wife stay at work where she works closely with old people despite the note. Then proceeded to blow up my phone calling me i sent her a quick text asking her to text me since i was driving with my kids she refused and demanded i answer her so i had to pull off and turn on my hazards just to answer her. She went off on…

My wifes and my boss is choosing to ignore a doctors note and put old folks at risk. Instead she threatens me with a write up.

For context we were at work when i got a call from our babysitter saying our kids have lice which was confirmed at urgent care. The doctor gave us a doctor's note saying we cant be at work until the morning after the first treatment. We brought the note to our clinical supervisor. Our boss made my wife stay at work where she works closely with old people despite the note. Then proceeded to blow up my phone calling me i sent her a quick text asking her to text me since i was driving with my kids she refused and demanded i answer her so i had to pull off and turn on my hazards just to answer her. She went off on me saying that this is why she doesn't hire couples that she doesnt care about emergencies with our kids and that if we have another emergency she will be writing me up. She also said that my wife cant come home like the doctor said because she (boss) has a wedding to attend. My wife isnt even supposed to be at work today because she isnt scheduled and has 20+ hours of overtime already. Is this even legal?

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