
Boss is a Tyrant

My boss is one of those rich fucks who had everything handed to him on a platter. He sits at a desk and expects all of us to work constantly for 10 hours a day. Sometimes 6 days a week. He brags how he has all these connections and makes over 150K a year. I make $20/hr or around 40K. Not bad but I'm still struggling. Last week he complains how nobody wants to work anymore and they always wants more money. Last week I had a vet appointment for my dog set up and told him 2 weeks in advance i had to leave early. The day of he was shooting daggers at me all day. Also saying “Don't complain you don't make enough if you leave early” This man is the worst boss I've had. Absolute tyrant.

My boss is one of those rich fucks who had everything handed to him on a platter. He sits at a desk and expects all of us to work constantly for 10 hours a day. Sometimes 6 days a week.

He brags how he has all these connections and makes over 150K a year. I make $20/hr or around 40K. Not bad but I'm still struggling. Last week he complains how nobody wants to work anymore and they always wants more money.

Last week I had a vet appointment for my dog set up and told him 2 weeks in advance i had to leave early. The day of he was shooting daggers at me all day. Also saying “Don't complain you don't make enough if you leave early”

This man is the worst boss I've had. Absolute tyrant.

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