
Boss is asking me to justify why I want to WFH each time I ask

Basically I just started a new job (3 months ago. The job was advertised as “flexible working arrangements”. It literally goes into depth regarding this on their website as a way of displaying to prospective employees how good it is to work at this company. Anyway, I am simply wanting to work 1 or 2 days a week from home. Every time i have gone to ask my boss if I could WFH the next day (or say, a day coming in later in the week), he will ask me why I want to WFH. I give a general answer such as attending to home duties. He will ask ANOTHER question on top of that such as “what home duties?” This line of questioning and process plays out each time. I feel like I am forced to give a good enough reason to satisfy him. In my opinion if the…

Basically I just started a new job (3 months ago. The job was advertised as “flexible working arrangements”. It literally goes into depth regarding this on their website as a way of displaying to prospective employees how good it is to work at this company.

Anyway, I am simply wanting to work 1 or 2 days a week from home.

Every time i have gone to ask my boss if I could WFH the next day (or say, a day coming in later in the week), he will ask me why I want to WFH. I give a general answer such as attending to home duties. He will ask ANOTHER question on top of that such as “what home duties?”

This line of questioning and process plays out each time. I feel like I am forced to give a good enough reason to satisfy him. In my opinion if the work is getting done and there’s no meetings or other requirements in the office, then once I ask he should just say yes or no. Not make me go into personal detail.

I feel like it’s a bit of a power trip / guilt trip. The funny thing is, he always says yes. He just makes me explain my self over and over and picks holes in what I say. It’s annoying me and giving me anxiety.

Thoughts ?

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