
Boss is asking me to write a job posting for my role?

Throwaway because the whole thing is a clusterfuck, really. Apologies if this isn't the right subreddit but it's caused so much anxiety in my life the last few weeks I need to get it off my chest, somewhere. My boss, who hired me 6 months ago as their first hire in their new role, recently announced she will be leaving the company to pursue her other ventures. She's a successful entrepreneur and startup queen(?) that can back it up, tl;dr she'll be fine. But she's been here as a director for right around the 6-month mark. No fault of her own, it isn't a good culture match, either. Me on the other hand, I'm breaking into this role after a big risk and solely took the job because I wanted to work with this person because of her experience in the startup world. Since she's announced her leaving, I've been…

Throwaway because the whole thing is a clusterfuck, really. Apologies if this isn't the right subreddit but it's caused so much anxiety in my life the last few weeks I need to get it off my chest, somewhere.

My boss, who hired me 6 months ago as their first hire in their new role, recently announced she will be leaving the company to pursue her other ventures. She's a successful entrepreneur and startup queen(?) that can back it up, tl;dr she'll be fine. But she's been here as a director for right around the 6-month mark. No fault of her own, it isn't a good culture match, either.

Me on the other hand, I'm breaking into this role after a big risk and solely took the job because I wanted to work with this person because of her experience in the startup world. Since she's announced her leaving, I've been worried about what my job will look like and all the BS I've been shielded from with her in place. I am not excited about staying here because also, not a good culture match.

She recently confided in me that she hates how corporate things are, the people sucks, execs crazy, the vacation policy sucks, etc. She absolutely GOATED me up saying how I'm meant for bigger and better things outside of this company and to keep moving up, pursuing my own interests and really busting into entrepreneurship. Big feelsgood.jpg.

Well back to the company, they get wind of her leaving and know our ship is sunk without her. They offer to keep her on contract and manage us 10-15 hours a week.

  1. At work, she mentioned (on a team call) that I will be promoted and we'll want to hire another one of me.
  2. I was tasked with updating my job description with my latest responsibilities and preparing to onboard a subordinate once we make a hire. (They used a super generic job description to hire me; role didn't exist yet.)

Then privately, she texts me she could have a job for me at her company in by January if they get funded. She then follows up maybe a week later with “I'll have another job for you within 2 weeks,”

Which would be by the end of this week.

But following all of this I get near-radio silence at work from them on any of the going-ons, and the last I've heard about this mythical job is from the day she told me about it. We have an exclusively professional relationship so I'm hesitant to reach out and ask what the fuck is happening. Also this is not the first time in six months she has mentioned I may be getting promoted, but I've never heard anything about it from anyone other than her.

So what game is being played here? Am I getting promoted here, headhunted out, or am I just voluntarily training my replacement? Truth be told I don't even want the promotion here, would rather hear what the new gig is about (received incredibly little detail) and am unsure if this is foolish trying to put my eggs in a mythical basket that may or may not even exist.

I'm just trying to make sense of it all as someone who is feeling violently jerked around by giant puppet master hands. What do you think will end up happening?

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