I work at a restaurant. A small diner style type. Anyways Manager is on vacation and left me and a few other employees in charge. While I was off my shift at home. An idiot cook gave a client raw food. The client was (reasonably pissed) and comes back another day when the manager is off of vacation to complain specifically about me and some other coworker. About how we slack off and don't do work and chitty chat. The first half of the complaint I got from the owner was about how it was our fault as the people in charge that we let something like this happen. (I was not there). But since this client wanted to complain about me specifically and another coworker we got the shit for it. I tried to explain to them that I was not there and basically they believed the client over me. Secondly owner said she watches us on camera and that we chut chat here and there. She's right I chit chat here and there and even sometimes slack off. But you know what. I always get my shit done and I put in way more fucking effort then what I need to be putting for a stupid fucking job like this and espicially for how they fucking treat me and pay me. But I'll own up to it. What I won't get is the fucking bullshit with the raw meat. The thing is I can't stop thinking about this and I just want to quit. Unfortunately I don't have the balls to quit. So here I am stuck ranting. Fuck my boss fuck these stupid clients. And fuck this dumb ass system