
Boss is forcing my team to schedule all of our PTO for next year, right now

Hey y’all I know many of you are very well versed in your rights within the workplace and might be able to answer my question or point me to the right resources. I’ve been at my job, in Oregon, for less than a year now and I enjoy it. I get on well with my colleagues and the workload is reasonable. Recently (this month) my boss sent out an email stating that we are required to schedule our 14 days of PTO right now for all of next year, so that he can plan ahead. I have always had employers require 2 weeks notice for scheduling PTO and I think that’s very reasonable. However, I’m incredibly stressed out at the prospect of planning an entire year on paper. I am in my 20’s and many of the things I do are with my large extended family who make the plans…

Hey y’all

I know many of you are very well versed in your rights within the workplace and might be able to answer my question or point me to the right resources.

I’ve been at my job, in Oregon, for less than a year now and I enjoy it. I get on well with my colleagues and the workload is reasonable.

Recently (this month) my boss sent out an email stating that we are required to schedule our 14 days of PTO right now for all of next year, so that he can plan ahead.

I have always had employers require 2 weeks notice for scheduling PTO and I think that’s very reasonable. However, I’m incredibly stressed out at the prospect of planning an entire year on paper. I am in my 20’s and many of the things I do are with my large extended family who make the plans (usually a month ahead of time), or concerts that pop up later in the year etc. I definitely don’t know what I will be doing in September of 2024 enough to solidify it in writing and will have to use my earned time regardless of whether an event falls through or not.

Is this legal? From what I can find in Oregon law it seems that PTO is a huge gray area that is up to employers discretion.. but it saddens me to think of finding another job already. TIA

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