So i work in a Healthcare position and my boss just came back from a 3 week vacation which resulted in me having to work a lot of overtime. However I caught covid in that last week and so I was out for 7 days. I let my boss know and asked him if I get sick pay, to which he first said no, then 20 minutes later texted yeah he can pay me in cash. So I was like okay.. whatever cool. Fast forward to a week after he's back and because I know he's slick I double checked if my sick pay would be cash or check. He gave me this spiel about how he doesn't pay sick pay and how he just paid me for so much overtime. I was pissed. I let him know our state's labor laws about sick pay, which is that for every 30 hours worked employees earn an hour of sick pay, and he said he'll give me 20 hours, and in his words, to not worry. Turns out he went behind my back to text my old coworker to come back full time, genuinely believing she wouldn't let me know. I'm planning to give my two weeks at the end of the day, but looks like he's trying to retaliate against me for advocating for myself.