
Boss is taking advantage and wants me as a second option

Hi guys! I’m here to vent a little. Basically I got hired as an intern and my internship ends on the 30th of November. I’m a recent graduate in political science and this is a good experience in a think tank. We have had our ups and downs, but I tried to make a good impression, even working on weekends, being innovative, and doing things out of my scope of work. Whenever I made some mistake or didn’t pay much attention, he would “drag me through the mud” about my lack of attention (I have adhd) for 15 minutes, interrogating me on every mistake I make. I’m not happy with him as he is a micro manager, I have no creative freedom, and he thinks he always knows best (for example, for a social media ad he wanted to dump information that read like a bible)… he doesn’t accept anything…

Hi guys! I’m here to vent a little.

Basically I got hired as an intern and my internship ends on the 30th of November. I’m a recent graduate in political science and this is a good experience in a think tank.

We have had our ups and downs, but I tried to make a good impression, even working on weekends, being innovative, and doing things out of my scope of work. Whenever I made some mistake or didn’t pay much attention, he would “drag me through the mud” about my lack of attention (I have adhd) for 15 minutes, interrogating me on every mistake I make.

I’m not happy with him as he is a micro manager, I have no creative freedom, and he thinks he always knows best (for example, for a social media ad he wanted to dump information that read like a bible)… he doesn’t accept anything I say.

It’s also good to note that almost no one could handle more than 1 year at his company, I guess it was because of his personality.

Today I asked him if we was planning on hiring me after the internship, and he said that “we need a comms officer so I will provide you with the job description to post on LinkedIn, but you are free to apply”, I will be competing with other candidates. He also wants to extend my internship contract if he doesn’t find someone immediately to fill the position. In short he said that he wants to keep me around if he doesn’t find anyone better.

I’m enraged at this, and think this is appalling. I will not apply to this position as I feel disrespected.

I wanted to ask you guys what you think I should do? Besides looking for another job of course.

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