
Boss is Undervaluing Me

I work in a hospital in supply chain. Despite meeting all of the requirements and then some for a position in line with my career goals, bosses are attempting to make me take a role I don't want and would be essentially a demotion. We had a meeting to discuss how the job and tasks fit into my career goals, but they were just bullshitting me and at one point said “if the other hospital we are opening happens soon, this might not be an ask.” I'm being as polite as I can as to not burn bridges, but why try to force me into a role I am overqualified for and don't want? It makes me think the believe I'm stupid, but I'm not. Any role change I take will be a big raise and title I want, or it won't be within the company.

I work in a hospital in supply chain. Despite meeting all of the requirements and then some for a position in line with my career goals, bosses are attempting to make me take a role I don't want and would be essentially a demotion. We had a meeting to discuss how the job and tasks fit into my career goals, but they were just bullshitting me and at one point said “if the other hospital we are opening happens soon, this might not be an ask.”

I'm being as polite as I can as to not burn bridges, but why try to force me into a role I am overqualified for and don't want? It makes me think the believe I'm stupid, but I'm not. Any role change I take will be a big raise and title I want, or it won't be within the company.

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