
Boss is withholding my commission

Hey everyone, I’m a salesman for a landscape company, they pay with salary and 2% commission on whatever I sell, lately they’ve been super greedy and every time something goes wrong on a job, they discount it from the workers paycheck, this time they took my commission off because the job did not reach the profit margin they require, from a $35k job they are getting $9400 in overhead/commission. So because I only reached 27% when they request a minimum of 30% , they are withholding the full commission. Some background to the story is that the client is super picky, he’s super cheap, and I originally did not want to take this client, the only reason I did is because my boss insisted, (the client works for a commercial construction company that my bosses company has done work for). I told this to my bosses when they mentioned that…

Hey everyone, I’m a salesman for a landscape company, they pay with salary and 2% commission on whatever I sell, lately they’ve been super greedy and every time something goes wrong on a job, they discount it from the workers paycheck, this time they took my commission off because the job did not reach the profit margin they require, from a $35k job they are getting $9400 in overhead/commission. So because I only reached 27% when they request a minimum of 30% , they are withholding the full commission.

Some background to the story is that the client is super picky, he’s super cheap, and I originally did not want to take this client, the only reason I did is because my boss insisted, (the client works for a commercial construction company that my bosses company has done work for).

I told this to my bosses when they mentioned that they would not be giving me my commission, and they said at the end of the day it’s my responsibility to decide what jobs I bid on.

I did my research online and in Colorado they’re not allowed to discount or withhold any money because of that reason.

But I also need this job to get through the winter so I don’t feel like I have a leg to stand on. Thanks for letting me rant. Any advice is welcome.

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