
Boss just blew up about coworkers taking 1 min over break

so one of my coworkers, let’s called him Mark (fake names of course) likes to have these conversations that usually require a lot of discussion. his choice today was whether Fedex and UPS are the same company, or own by the same company. he was the only one who thought that, every one else said it didn’t make sense. our boss comes out to agree with the majority. the bell rings for our break to end, but Mark googled about whether the two companies are the same. he comes back with “Fedex is a private company while UPS is a federally owned one.” All of us hear our boss yell “No” from his office and kind of laugh it off. but he comes out, getting what felt like a little fired up, saying “That’s USPS, ya know, the one with United States in the name? Both Fedex and UPS are…

so one of my coworkers, let’s called him Mark (fake names of course) likes to have these conversations that usually require a lot of discussion. his choice today was whether Fedex and UPS are the same company, or own by the same company. he was the only one who thought that, every one else said it didn’t make sense. our boss comes out to agree with the majority. the bell rings for our break to end, but Mark googled about whether the two companies are the same. he comes back with “Fedex is a private company while UPS is a federally owned one.” All of us hear our boss yell “No” from his office and kind of laugh it off. but he comes out, getting what felt like a little fired up, saying “That’s USPS, ya know, the one with United States in the name? Both Fedex and UPS are private companies.” and we all thought he was getting unreasonably irritated about this topic; it was obvious with the uncomfortable laughter from everyone. He then says “I mean, break is over and we’re still talking about this. Think about how much this shit is costing us, the company?” and we were all just dumbfounded. Like eyes meeting other eyes and just a general sense of “Okay wait what?” I don’t really know how to feel other than that was almost unprofessional. Am i overreacting?

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