
Boss keeps changing the work dynamics once a week. This place sucks so much.

Long time lurker, first time poster. I work in a clinic as a video editor/marketing analyst. My boss is a dishonest asshole and a control freak, and our manager under him is his poster child. We can't get nothing done because of it, everything must be approved by the boss in person, and he takes forever to do so, and then complains nothing is finished in time. We push for a different dynamic (maybe the manager approving things?), he accepts, a month later it's 'no, from now on I'll be the one to approve things, also why are you doing this in X way instead of Y?' (FOR A SCHEDULE HE APPROVED. HIMSELF. BUT APPARENTLY FORGOT). Pulling things out of his ass, ignoring schedules, ignoring priority scales, demanding his personal stuff to be done by us (I had to make the save-the-date video for his daughter's birthday party last year…

Long time lurker, first time poster. I work in a clinic as a video editor/marketing analyst. My boss is a dishonest asshole and a control freak, and our manager under him is his poster child. We can't get nothing done because of it, everything must be approved by the boss in person, and he takes forever to do so, and then complains nothing is finished in time. We push for a different dynamic (maybe the manager approving things?), he accepts, a month later it's 'no, from now on I'll be the one to approve things, also why are you doing this in X way instead of Y?' (FOR A SCHEDULE HE APPROVED. HIMSELF. BUT APPARENTLY FORGOT).

Pulling things out of his ass, ignoring schedules, ignoring priority scales, demanding his personal stuff to be done by us (I had to make the save-the-date video for his daughter's birthday party last year – not my proudest moment). Doesn't help that his wife is also one of the owners and she's just as insufferable and ignorant as him. 'Toxic' doesn't even begin to describe this place. They literally posted my position on Linkedin while I was on vacation, and when I came back and confronted them my manager was like 'we weren't sure if you really wanted to stay'. Sure, I'm burned out, depressed and constantly wanting to throw myself off the window, but since I also need this fucking job I'll be around. They pull the 'we just want to see you happy at work' and I'm like 'yeah, right'.

I'm job hunting. But not holding my breath. Not sure how long I can put up with this bullshit tbh.

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