
Boss keeps taking the money and leaving the work

I have an office administrative job. I was originally hired part time because my job takes between 25-30 hrs per week to do. I’ve gotten comfortable in that position and have become fast at completing the tasks. About 2 years ago (I’ve been there 2 & 1/2 yrs) My boss asked if I’d like to learn sales and customer service for one of the three businesses I do admin work for. He said he would pay me commission for both retention and new sales. Okay, sounds great. I have a little spare time. I learned and started making around $300 per month in commission. Which was great. I worked 30hrs each week to work both positions. Then he decided he wanted that side of the company to grow more and hired a part time sales person to focus on increasing sales and retention. This quite literally took money out of…

I have an office administrative job. I was originally hired part time because my job takes between 25-30 hrs per week to do. I’ve gotten comfortable in that position and have become fast at completing the tasks.

About 2 years ago (I’ve been there 2 & 1/2 yrs) My boss asked if I’d like to learn sales and customer service for one of the three businesses I do admin work for. He said he would pay me commission for both retention and new sales. Okay, sounds great. I have a little spare time. I learned and started making around $300 per month in commission. Which was great. I worked 30hrs each week to work both positions.

Then he decided he wanted that side of the company to grow more and hired a part time sales person to focus on increasing sales and retention. This quite literally took money out of my pocket. Not to mention, the person he hired was a total nightmare to work with. Rude, hateful, terrible attitude. I was nothing but nice to them but they remained rude with me no matter what I did. Eventually, they took the same attitude with the boss. They got themself fired.

At this point, I offered to go full time and be the part time sales person/coordinator for this position. They declined saying even going full time, I wouldn’t have enough time to do both. (They were 100% wrong but whatever). So they hired another person.

She was wonderful to work with. She didn’t have enough work to fill the 25 hrs she worked each week and would come offer to help me with anything I need. I never had anything to give her but it was so nice of her to ask. The department just wouldn’t grow no matter what the salesperson or the bosses tried. The product simply wasn’t enticing enough. So they laid off the salesperson claiming they were going to close that business venture. Except they changed their minds and decided to just let it keep going on it’s own as a passive income. This whole time I’m still having to do clerical work for this side of the company now that I’ve learned it. So they took the commission away but left new responsibilities which don’t pay commission or anything extra.

They did give me a $1 per hour raise because when they hired the new girl she wanted $1 per hour more than I make. They knew it would be unfair to pay her more than me so they gave me the raise to match her pay. They didn’t lower my pay after they laid her off.

Then they asked me to work sales for another side of the company. I told them I do not the kind of time it takes to do those kind of sales effectively. I asked if I could go full time to accommodate adding the sales position to my current workload. They said yes I could. They promised to give me a commission schedule so I’d know how much money I would make off the sales.

My boss has made some poor financial decisions and has basically been bleeding money from the business. They saw the accounts were at half the balance they normally are and panicked. They told to keep myself at 30hrs but still do the sales. I was polite but obviously upset.

We had meeting where they allowed me to vent my frustrations. I explained how I now have a lower income because I had not been making commission from the other company anymore. They brought up the dollar raise the tried to change the subject. I tried to explain the commission was more than the raise but they spoke over me. I then explained how I don’t have enough time to make any meaningful progress on sales if I don’t work more hours. I also brought up that I still don’t have a commission schedule so I don’t even know if working that hard on sales was worth my time and effort. They told me just do what I can in 30hrs and they promised to give my commission schedule by the end of the week.

That didn’t happen. They will be out of town for the next two weeks so I commission schedule for me. Then my boss asked three questions via text chat and email after I was off work yesterday and it sort of went off a bit. I’ll explain them in a comment because I’m out of room.

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