
Boss kept previous laptop

My manager got a new laptop at work and gave her old laptop to her husband to use. I found out because I tried to virtually connect for a meeting with my boss and her husband answered the call on video, looked surprised and then hung up on me right away. My boss and I used a different app to complete our meeting right after that and I told her what happened and she did tell me what she did and didn’t seem concerned. Not only is this an ongoing breach of IT security for the company—-isn’t this downright theft? I’m sure he just doesn’t want to pay for applications he uses, let alone the hardware. She openly acknowledged her “gifting” of the laptop for him to use but I’m pretty confident this was her own doing and she doesn’t have any permission or knowledge from our employer to do…

My manager got a new laptop at work and gave her old laptop to her husband to use. I found out because I tried to virtually connect for a meeting with my boss and her husband answered the call on video, looked surprised and then hung up on me right away. My boss and I used a different app to complete our meeting right after that and I told her what happened and she did tell me what she did and didn’t seem concerned. Not only is this an ongoing breach of IT security for the company—-isn’t this downright theft? I’m sure he just doesn’t want to pay for applications he uses, let alone the hardware. She openly acknowledged her “gifting” of the laptop for him to use but I’m pretty confident this was her own doing and she doesn’t have any permission or knowledge from our employer to do this.

The two of them are incredibly cheap—even though they can easily afford to buy their own items and live in a $1M+ home. It is annoying that she frequently exploits opportunities to leverage the company for her own benefit in the most creative ways possible.

I haven’t told anyone for fear of retribution but how should I respond—or notify someone else—if at all? Or should I keep quiet if I want to keep my job?

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