
“Boss” knew I was to be fired at 9:30am today, didn’t fire me until 1:30pm.

Exactly what the title says. Came in like any other day, busted my ass working like usual, definitely putting out more work than other people there, like everyday. Clocked out for my 30 minute lunch. I don’t ever take the 15 minute clocked in breaks they off us twice a day. 1:30 comes around and I’m still working hard and “boss” comes over and asks if I’m at a good stopping point. I guess, I was actually in the middle of my work, but whatever. We go to his office and he is “sad to say they have to let me go,.” And he’s been gutted about telling me since 9:30am I’m still pissed that I did all that work today when he could of just told me at 9:30 and I could have went home then. Wtf is that about!? Don’t even get me started on the whole of…

Exactly what the title says. Came in like any other day, busted my ass working like usual, definitely putting out more work than other people there, like everyday. Clocked out for my 30 minute lunch. I don’t ever take the 15 minute clocked in breaks they off us twice a day. 1:30 comes around and I’m still working hard and “boss” comes over and asks if I’m at a good stopping point. I guess, I was actually in the middle of my work, but whatever. We go to his office and he is “sad to say they have to let me go,.” And he’s been gutted about telling me since 9:30am

I’m still pissed that I did all that work today when he could of just told me at 9:30 and I could have went home then. Wtf is that about!?

Don’t even get me started on the whole of this job either. This place was about getting product out in a 7 day turn around at the latest, but boss always tied my hands behind my back and wouldn’t let me work as fast as I do, or told me not to do work because that would take work away from others. Then people complained that I was sitting around not doing anything (instead of working themselves they are all just apparently watching me supposedly sitting around not doing anything all the time). I’m more than happy to get work out next day by working hard and fast and efficiently , but they aren’t about efficiency at this place but they have a time table on when product needs to go out by. Make that make sense? Wtf am I supposed to do at that point? Then, apparently saying that I knew I was a fast and good worker was being cocky and people hated me for it because I said it ONE time to one of the higher ups in a private email and it got trickled down the grapevine because there is no semblance of confidentiality in that place. And the backstabbing OMG.

Sorry just venting.

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