
Boss lost his mind

I work for Brosnan, they are a security company and my boss just blew up on me for taking a day off when it's only been my second call off. He threatened to change my days around and I was going to be written up because I took too many days off which just isnt true he is also to kind of boss who will offer a ride to work if you cant get to work which is pretty odd. I worked for them for about 3 months and I love to job, steady work and easy money. I just feel like it's already time for something new after something so stupid. I had to drive my brother to some alcohol classes on the day I took off and he was just saying that your brother can just take an Uber and I can show up to work. Sorry if…

I work for Brosnan, they are a security company and my boss just blew up on me for taking a day off when it's only been my second call off. He threatened to change my days around and I was going to be written up because I took too many days off which just isnt true he is also to kind of boss who will offer a ride to work if you cant get to work which is pretty odd. I worked for them for about 3 months and I love to job, steady work and easy money. I just feel like it's already time for something new after something so stupid. I had to drive my brother to some alcohol classes on the day I took off and he was just saying that your brother can just take an Uber and I can show up to work.

Sorry if it's short, I just needed to get this off my chest and get other people's opinions. Do I roll the dice with a new job? Or just shut up and do it.

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