
Boss made me use my vacation time to visit my Ma while she was having last-chance chemo

For starters, I recognize and appreciate that my (now former) place of work was very privileged with regard to benefits and pension, and it's understood that millions of people have far worse conditions. You all should have your basic needs met without being exploited for your entire existence. This happened years ago but I'll never forget it as an example of horrifyingly shitty leadership. For context, my parents live about 3000km away from me and my family. I worked at a middle management position and was open and honest with leadership about my mother's cancer struggle. She had previously been through treatment and her last scan supposedly came back clear. However, a few months pass by and her oncologist called to tell her that the scan was misread and she needed to have heavy chemo in order to survive this. I was struggling big time with this shock, but had…

For starters, I recognize and appreciate that my (now former) place of work was very privileged with regard to benefits and pension, and it's understood that millions of people have far worse conditions. You all should have your basic needs met without being exploited for your entire existence.

This happened years ago but I'll never forget it as an example of horrifyingly shitty leadership. For context, my parents live about 3000km away from me and my family. I worked at a middle management position and was open and honest with leadership about my mother's cancer struggle. She had previously been through treatment and her last scan supposedly came back clear. However, a few months pass by and her oncologist called to tell her that the scan was misread and she needed to have heavy chemo in order to survive this. I was struggling big time with this shock, but had the presence of mind to submit for compassionate leave (something everyone in our organization is entitled to). However, my leave was denied because my boss said I was 'just going on a trip to see my mother'. Despite my explanation from my mother's oncologist that *if this treatment didn't work, she'd die*, despite my plea to grant me leave to see my mother one more time while she's alive, I was denied.

I need to reiterate that our leave policy *clearly states compassionate leave is for just such a circumstance as this*.

So what did I do? I walked out of that office, and immediately packed for my family and I to see their grandmother one last time. We spent two wonderful weeks together, we all helped out around the house because her chemo was seriously draining and tiring. The kids played in the same backyard and park that I played in as a kid.

When I got back, I got written up. Totally worth it.

PS – my mom beat cancer, and her scans have been clear for 6 years now.

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