
Boss marked all my scheduled sick days as unscheduled from this year.

Pre-note: I work in food service(Arizona, for laws sake) and am not allowed to work when certain symptoms are present with sickness. I have been sick several times this year. They were spaced out by months of no callouts what so ever, and whenever possible(about 70% of the time) i was able to call ahead by 11-12 hours. I usually cant sleep from it, so i let the people in charge of sick leave and such know well in advance. I was alerted today that i have 12 days unscheduled sick leave this year. This is like a slap in the face because I called ahead routinely, and this gets thrown at me out of the blue. As per rules, you have to call ahead 2 hours at least to be scheduled, and each time, i had paper proof from doctors, and the illnesses were enough to incapacitate me. They’re…

Pre-note: I work in food service(Arizona, for laws sake) and am not allowed to work when certain symptoms are present with sickness.

I have been sick several times this year. They were spaced out by months of no callouts what so ever, and whenever possible(about 70% of the time) i was able to call ahead by 11-12 hours. I usually cant sleep from it, so i let the people in charge of sick leave and such know well in advance.

I was alerted today that i have 12 days unscheduled sick leave this year. This is like a slap in the face because I called ahead routinely, and this gets thrown at me out of the blue. As per rules, you have to call ahead 2 hours at least to be scheduled, and each time, i had paper proof from doctors, and the illnesses were enough to incapacitate me. They’re threatening disciplinary actions and I feel lied to and cheated.

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