
Boss not paying on time repeatedly.

Context: I (25M) live in Torrance Southern California. I work with my dad in the construction industry mostly specializing in concrete. My dad has been in the field for decades and it was how he put food and roof up for me growing up. We're non union, I know, my first mistake, but my dad seems to be against union for some reason and I don't know much about much so I just picked up the trade with him as I got older if that makes any sense. Times have been very hard the last few years for us like they have been for everyone. We don't have a working car anymore that we own (we bum rides and use the company truck) and live paycheck to paycheck (which is why 2 days late pay can make a big deal…) Anyways, onto the issue at hand. The boss of the…

Context: I (25M) live in Torrance Southern California. I work with my dad in the construction industry mostly specializing in concrete. My dad has been in the field for decades and it was how he put food and roof up for me growing up. We're non union, I know, my first mistake, but my dad seems to be against union for some reason and I don't know much about much so I just picked up the trade with him as I got older if that makes any sense. Times have been very hard the last few years for us like they have been for everyone. We don't have a working car anymore that we own (we bum rides and use the company truck) and live paycheck to paycheck (which is why 2 days late pay can make a big deal…)

Anyways, onto the issue at hand. The boss of the company we work for has been late with my father and I's paychecks (along with others on payroll) for 3 pay periods in a row now. Along with that, his last check literally bounced on me and put me 200 in the red. He has excuses of course; the city hasn't paid his contracts or whatever such so he's “unable” to pay us on time, not intentional of course… The first time he wasn't on time I was willing to excuse it because I know he (my boss) did in fact lose like 10K in equipment theft when someone broke into a company truck recently along with whatever he's dealing with the city. 3 paychecks in a row with one bouncing however, I cannot excuse. I'm starting to think he's stringing us along. I know he pays some people on time and not others, that alone tells me he knows exactly what he's doing.

My dad has always taught me to stand up for myself and my family and what a man is supposed to do to stand up for himself, and he's always lived by that code generally as I've grown up. I'm shocked to listen to him argue with me and give excuses for why our boss isn't paying us on time, our bosses worst business day is 500x better than my familes day to day financial situation on our best day for last 3 years or so. We've literally been saving for a car for over a year and keep having to throw the money at different things that come up.

Anyways, I'm about to start doing research on the Better Business Bureau and how to put a stop to this shit. Send me some resources links and info please

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