
Boss pay according to schedule and not timeclock

Hiya antiwork, I’ll get to the chase, if I’m scheduled x hours a week I get paid Exactly x * wage, even if my hours are more. Obviously I know it’s not legal and I’ll be taking care of it, but I keep finding out that he’s doing it to more and more coworkers. My biggest thing is that when I noticed it, I started using the timeclock on our portal to keep track of it, but I don’t know if my other coworkers do, plus do I wait until I leave to get the legal process started? Or do I get it started now while I’m looking for a new job?

Hiya antiwork, I’ll get to the chase, if I’m scheduled x hours a week I get paid Exactly x * wage, even if my hours are more. Obviously I know it’s not legal and I’ll be taking care of it, but I keep finding out that he’s doing it to more and more coworkers. My biggest thing is that when I noticed it, I started using the timeclock on our portal to keep track of it, but I don’t know if my other coworkers do, plus do I wait until I leave to get the legal process started? Or do I get it started now while I’m looking for a new job?

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