
Boss picked up on my ‘quiet quitting.’ FYI I come to work on time, do my job, and go home. That’s all that’s required of me via my job description, not any of the nonsense below:

I work in higher education (college admissions for a large state-run school) in case y’all are wondering. Email excerpt from my boss: “However as we talked about, I encourage you to keep looking at things/processes in your area of influence not as somebody who just comes to work each day. But rather as a supervisor trying to make a difference in the lives of those we work with AND our customers as well. Look at everything and question those things that you think may make a difference. Be open to feedback. These efforts will help prepare you to be a leader in any effort you choose in the future. Because leaders are always looking at the process for improvements and people's experiences and how to make them more fulfilling. As always if you have any questions or wish to discuss anything, just give me a shout.” Luckily I was offered…

I work in higher education (college admissions for a large state-run school) in case y’all are wondering.

Email excerpt from my boss:

However as we talked about, I encourage you to keep looking at things/processes in your area of influence not as somebody who just comes to work each day. But rather as a supervisor trying to make a difference in the lives of those we work with AND our customers as well. Look at everything and question those things that you think may make a difference. Be open to feedback. These efforts will help prepare you to be a leader in any effort you choose in the future. Because leaders are always looking at the process for improvements and people's experiences and how to make them more fulfilling. As always if you have any questions or wish to discuss anything, just give me a shout.

Luckily I was offered a data science job in town yesterday, so I happily gave them my two weeks’ this morning. Here’s to now making $20k more/year! 🥳

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