
Boss postponing meeting about his inappropriate behavior so I’ll keep working

Timeline of events: -I told the owner and VP of my company (the two levels above me) that I had major concerns and complaints that need to be addressed immediately. -They insist on a face to face meeting (we work remotely within the same area) to discuss issues and ask me to send an email listing my complaints and concerns beforehand so they can prepare. We schedule the meeting and agree on it. -They tell me to put a hold on all my daily duties until we meet. Only a couple days, so I don't fight it. -I send the scathing (but professional) email, and before they can respond, one of our four total non-management staff quits for reasons mirroring the concerns I'm also expressing. -Owner and VP respond to my email saying the meeting is being postponed so they “can better address all of my concerns”. The email ends…

Timeline of events:

-I told the owner and VP of my company (the two levels above me) that I had major concerns and complaints that need to be addressed immediately.

-They insist on a face to face meeting (we work remotely within the same area) to discuss issues and ask me to send an email listing my complaints and concerns beforehand so they can prepare. We schedule the meeting and agree on it.

-They tell me to put a hold on all my daily duties until we meet. Only a couple days, so I don't fight it.

-I send the scathing (but professional) email, and before they can respond, one of our four total non-management staff quits for reasons mirroring the concerns I'm also expressing.

-Owner and VP respond to my email saying the meeting is being postponed so they “can better address all of my concerns”. The email ends in them asking if I was comfortable continuing my duties until we can reschedule and meet.

-It's pretty transparent on all sides that the meeting will end in me no longer being employed there, whether fired or cornered into quitting. My concerns were mostly based around inappropriate behavior and comments from the owner, blatant misogyny, and lack of stability in daily and long term processes.

Two things I'm unsure of:

Since it's worded as “do you feel comfortable continuing your daily duties until we are able to meet?” (No alternative dates given), am I required to? Like will I be unable to get unemployment, if needed, because I “failed to complete expected duties”? I live in an at-will state.

Are they allowed to keep pushing this meeting until they're done scrambling with staff coverage, etc? They are clearly pushing it so that I will continue to work as long as they need it now that they need it badly enough, and I'll end up covering for the employee who quit as well. He's realizing he can't afford to lose multiple staff members and is panicking. Do I have any moves here besides quitting outright? I have other employment opportunities working but would like to leave unemployment benefits on the table just in case, you never know.

Thanks and hoping y'all survived this capitalist hellscape today!

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