
Boss put me on a probational period for no reason.

I’m livid right now, and I know I can’t do much about the situation-so let me know if this isnt the right place to vent and ill remove the post. I’ve worked at my company for a few years now. I was a little slow at my work when I started, and some early projects were rocky- but I have worked VERY hard to improve that. Prior to last week, all feedback I had gotten seemed to imply that too. Then my boss got stressed out. I had been very sick (Health insurance took their time on my medications, so I was going through SSRI withdrawl- which is a bitch) but continued working to try and do things as best I could in that time. After all, I only had so many sick and vacation days to use, you know? I made some mistakes in that time-two, to be exact.…

I’m livid right now, and I know I can’t do much about the situation-so let me know if this isnt the right place to vent and ill remove the post.

I’ve worked at my company for a few years now. I was a little slow at my work when I started, and some early projects were rocky- but I have worked VERY hard to improve that. Prior to last week, all feedback I had gotten seemed to imply that too.

Then my boss got stressed out. I had been very sick (Health insurance took their time on my medications, so I was going through SSRI withdrawl- which is a bitch) but continued working to try and do things as best I could in that time. After all, I only had so many sick and vacation days to use, you know? I made some mistakes in that time-two, to be exact. Both issues that were solved in a matter of minutes.

Then, I came in the following Monday to a meeting with my boss and with HR.

My boss presented me with a long list of grievances- things about how long work takes me (had a lot of notes on the previous project that took a while to hit) , not communicating (he claimed he had gotten a complaint from a coworker that they hadn’t seen updates to the project in a while. That coworker was not even on that project team), and my self management skills.

There were more reasons to be angry than the stuff i have in brackets above- but needless to say, i found it all to be unwarranted. He felt that he had been trying to offer me ways of working to help me improve, but that i would ignore them all. The truth is, I have listened to and implemented all of them, despite me voicing to him that i work differently than him.

So what did i do?
I spent the last week doing NOTHING differently than usual, except for abandoning the practices he’s tried to force on me.
I got my projects done in the usual amount of time (three weeks sooner than he expected me to.) and just emailed him what i did at the end of every day.
He’s not even read the emails by his own admission- but we had our check-in with HR for the first week of probation yesterday.

Surprise surprise, I hit all the marks with flying colors. A great review.

Now, I argued with him about a good few things during it- trying to finally stop just letting him talk to me however he likes and to his credit, he still gave me a good review afterwards. However, the way he talks makes it sound like he’s going to find a reason to fire me no matter what I do, so I’m getting the grieving done now. HR has been in all the meetings and CCed in all the emails. Im keeping screenshots of all written correspondence etc just to cover all my bases, but i have a feeling its not gonna make a difference.

Worst part is? This probational period ends when I fly in for the in person company meeting (im a remote worker-though i have only been one for 4 months now). So im gonna get to be fired in person. 🙂

Wish me luck.

TLDR: Boss said i was underperforming, and I disagreed. I continued going as I always do, and suddenly I’m at level- but im likely gonna get fired anyway.

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