
Boss ruined my job for me

TLDR at bottom I work on a small family farm in their market and it’s honestly been a GREAT job up until these two past months. My boss has always been a shitty person but he has been VERY up my ass these past few weeks, and constantly yelling at me for small meaningless shit. Even today he asked if something was wrong with me (basically asking if I was dumb) cause I forgot to get rid of some gourds. But the real kicker was two days ago I was holding one of their rescue kittens while I was hanging up a sign, in my boss comes, yelling at me cause I left a door open (That I was immediately going to go back out off when I finished putting up the sign), and then immediately comes up to me to smack across my chest causing the kitten to fly…

TLDR at bottom

I work on a small family farm in their market and it’s honestly been a GREAT job up until these two past months. My boss has always been a shitty person but he has been VERY up my ass these past few weeks, and constantly yelling at me for small meaningless shit. Even today he asked if something was wrong with me (basically asking if I was dumb) cause I forgot to get rid of some gourds. But the real kicker was two days ago I was holding one of their rescue kittens while I was hanging up a sign, in my boss comes, yelling at me cause I left a door open (That I was immediately going to go back out off when I finished putting up the sign), and then immediately comes up to me to smack across my chest causing the kitten to fly onto the floor ️ if he had hit him any harder he would’ve smacked into the wall! He’s never treated ANY of the farm cats nicely for no reason other than them acting like cats! The verbal abuse I could take but this has honestly made me not feel right about working here anymore and I don’t know what to do

TLDR; Boss is mean and verbally abusive and smacked one of the rescue kittens his kids brought home out of my arms onto the floor for no reason

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