
Boss sent every employee’s salary by mistake, I realized I am not paid enough.

I think I just need to get this off my chest, any advice is welcome. So today our boss sent a document containing everyone’s salary by mistake. Our boss knows that we are two employees who saw that document, and told us not to tell anyone and was able to recall the email to all other employees who didn’t opened it yet. On that document, I noticed that I am getting payed less than the one other person who is kind of equivalent to me. I know we started off at the same thing since we told each other how much we were offered. However, we both have negotiated our salary and I supposed she was better at it. What sucks is that when I was negotiating, I was told by the boss that in order to get x amount, under what I requested, I would need to be able…

I think I just need to get this off my chest, any advice is welcome.

So today our boss sent a document containing everyone’s salary by mistake. Our boss knows that we are two employees who saw that document, and told us not to tell anyone and was able to recall the email to all other employees who didn’t opened it yet.

On that document, I noticed that I am getting payed less than the one other person who is kind of equivalent to me. I know we started off at the same thing since we told each other how much we were offered. However, we both have negotiated our salary and I supposed she was better at it. What sucks is that when I was negotiating, I was told by the boss that in order to get x amount, under what I requested, I would need to be able to complete certain tasks. My colleague however was able to get something better without being able to complete said tasks.

I told that colleague (who is now a friend) about that situation, and he told me that when he negotiated, our boss initially did not want to give that amount, but then gave it and ask the him to never tell anyone, since she new it was not fair I guess. He has felt really bad since, and kind of lied to me at some point when we talked about what we were able to negotiate by telling me he got the same augmentation. Hw sais he was afraid of being disadvantaged aged if our boss found out he told me his salary.

This situation just really sucks, as I now fell kind of played by them. My collegue assured me that now he doesn’t want to hide his salary anymore. I am able to make the distinction between being lied to in a work context vs personal life, and also understand that our friendship developed after having talked about our salary. But I cannot help but fell a bit like shit right now.

I plan on talking to my boss about the situation and hopping my salary gets corrected.

I really hate this work culture of everyone for themselves and secrets around salary!

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