
Boss strings along raise just to “put it on hold”

Just had to rant into the void. My job isn't a super hard job, but I did what was asked and then some and my boss all but promised in words I would get a raise and me being an idiot thought sick, a raise. Then they started giving me new responsibilities like being the lead for some projects, that was months ago. Whenever I asked him in the last couple months he always just said working on it. Then two weeks ago I asked and didn't get a response, okay weird but maybe he's busy. Messaged him a week later, no response. A week passes and still no answer. Then on Sunday in the middle of the day he messages me that my raise is “on hold” and im pissed, what happened to all those company wide meetings where they boast about record high sales and huge new partnerships,…

Just had to rant into the void. My job isn't a super hard job, but I did what was asked and then some and my boss all but promised in words I would get a raise and me being an idiot thought sick, a raise. Then they started giving me new responsibilities like being the lead for some projects, that was months ago. Whenever I asked him in the last couple months he always just said working on it. Then two weeks ago I asked and didn't get a response, okay weird but maybe he's busy. Messaged him a week later, no response. A week passes and still no answer. Then on Sunday in the middle of the day he messages me that my raise is “on hold” and im pissed, what happened to all those company wide meetings where they boast about record high sales and huge new partnerships, right into their pockets i guess. Guess that's on me for accepting new responsibilities on top of my current workload without getting the raise in writing first. Guess my work is “on hold” while I search for new jobs

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