
Boss talked shit behind my back and I heard the whole conversation. Proceeded to gaslight me.

First time posting here, but I figured what the hell since this was the cherry on top for me. I work in IT and the company I am at has been sinking since I started 11 months ago. I recieved ZERO training and had to figure out everything for myself. That being said, often times I ask questions because I simply do not know what to do, after endlessly trying to fix something with no luck. Long story short, I was on a Zoom call with another colleague (which just so happens to be my bosses son). He did not know I could hear him, but he couldn't hear me. We were troubleshooting something for a client. Well he called his dad and started mocking me and showing frustration towards me. He was making me sound like a moron basically. I could hear them the entire time. Finally, my boss…

First time posting here, but I figured what the hell since this was the cherry on top for me.

I work in IT and the company I am at has been sinking since I started 11 months ago. I recieved ZERO training and had to figure out everything for myself. That being said, often times I ask questions because I simply do not know what to do, after endlessly trying to fix something with no luck.

Long story short, I was on a Zoom call with another colleague (which just so happens to be my bosses son). He did not know I could hear him, but he couldn't hear me. We were troubleshooting something for a client. Well he called his dad and started mocking me and showing frustration towards me. He was making me sound like a moron basically. I could hear them the entire time. Finally, my boss uttered the words “well you can't fix people who are fucking stupid”.

I thought that was pretty bold to say, as I figured out everything about how operations at this company go without any documentation or training. My boss and another co-worker at one point even told me that they relied on me for many things.

Well I called out my boss on it, and he started gaslighting me saying what he said was not referring to me. At the time I told his son that I could hear them, and he said “What? How?”. I thought this was pretty funny, as my boss proceeded to say “I knew you were on the phone”. His own son didn't know I was listening, and he got caught in a blatant lie.

He started to apologize because he knew he fucked up. They said other things that I will not repeat here, but honestly I just want to quit. This company pushes overtime which is unpaid, and hasn't done anything to help a struggling department for nearly a year. Nobody seems to give a fuck.

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