
Boss threatening to not pay me for the past month??

So for some context: I’ve only been working there since early March. I get along well with all my colleagues and have only had one sick day which was from covid. I’d already handed in my notice (I’m just done with hospitality for a while) and this Thursday was originally meant to be my last day but I agreed to push it back to Sunday 3rd June to help them out. I’d come in to the cafe on Saturday with my mum as I’d been meaning to show her how great the food is, and yeah- to make the most of my staff discount ! The next day I had a 9-5 shift but I was slightly worried as it’s deadline season at uni so I’ve got a lot of essays due. I text the work group chat to ask if anyone finishing earlier would be willing to swap so…

So for some context:
I’ve only been working there since early March. I get along well with all my colleagues and have only had one sick day which was from covid.
I’d already handed in my notice (I’m just done with hospitality for a while) and this Thursday was originally meant to be my last day but I agreed to push it back to Sunday 3rd June to help them out.

I’d come in to the cafe on Saturday with my mum as I’d been meaning to show her how great the food is, and yeah- to make the most of my staff discount !

The next day I had a 9-5 shift but I was slightly worried as it’s deadline season at uni so I’ve got a lot of essays due. I text the work group chat to ask if anyone finishing earlier would be willing to swap so I could go home and get on with an assignment due in on Monday. One of my colleagues was more than happy to, and as it was unusually quiet, they sent me (and another member of staff) home even earlier.

So fast forward to him making me feel like an asshole for having a doctors appointment and I just kinda snapped. I’ve worked in hospitality for 10 years now, I know how it affects people when you don’t show up so I don’t make a habit of it. But in the U.K. doctors appointments are like gold dust as the moment, so if they offer you one you take it!!

It’s payday today and I’ve not received anything yet… I didn’t reply to him as I thought I’d let him realise how stupid he sounds, does he think it’s wise to threaten to withhold an employees wages??

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