
Boss told a side job that he was overpaying me.

(Actually was my bf, 33M. But we both work for our boss, -64M, Joe.) So our work neighbor, Luke 39M, ask my bf, Sam, to help him with a job. Sam says for sure as he is mainly at the shop (joes shop) with lots of down time. Joe gives Sam tasks one at a time and is super anal a bout everything so this is just the way it is. Anyways… Joe is super loaded and is well respected within his circle. Luke says.:. I’m gonna make sure it’s okay with Joe I don’t want him to think I’m stealing you. Now Luke is willing to pay Sam $30 cash/hr, where Joe pays $20/hr. (Sam and I independent contractors so there’s no “schedule”)… we both thought it’s weird to have to ask if a grown man can work for another grown man but whatever. Joe arrives later and outside…

(Actually was my bf, 33M. But we both work for our boss, -64M, Joe.)

So our work neighbor, Luke 39M, ask my bf, Sam, to help him with a job. Sam says for sure as he is mainly at the shop (joes shop) with lots of down time. Joe gives Sam tasks one at a time and is super anal a bout everything so this is just the way it is. Anyways… Joe is super loaded and is well respected within his circle. Luke says.:. I’m gonna make sure it’s okay with Joe I don’t want him to think I’m stealing you. Now Luke is willing to pay Sam $30 cash/hr, where Joe pays $20/hr. (Sam and I independent contractors so there’s no “schedule”)… we both thought it’s weird to have to ask if a grown man can work for another grown man but whatever. Joe arrives later and outside with Sam and Luke… Joe says, “how much are you paying Sam?” “$30/hr..” -OH THATS WAy TOO MUCH I ONLY AM PAYING HIM 20.

Honestly rubbed us both the wrong way and I’m trying to see if others think this is completely inappropriate and rude?! Like wtf?? Joe is completely ignorant it seems to social skills sometimes. Thoughts?

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