
Boss told me I had to have a meeting with him. I might quit

I brought up some security issues at work to the security group. Boss demanded to see me to ask me questions because my email ‘concerned’ him. I do not trust this boss. He’s already told me things to make me not trust him. He’s dont like him and I do not want to be in a room alone being interrogated. He invited another boss. Nope. Dont trust them either. I feel like I am on trial here. I said I do not feel comfortable. His response. Too bad. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to. I looped in my union rep. I will not go without representation because now it’s getting hostile. I said that too Looking for a new gig. This place sucks. But right now all places suck

I brought up some security issues at work to the security group. Boss demanded to see me to ask me questions because my email ‘concerned’ him.

I do not trust this boss. He’s already told me things to make me not trust him. He’s dont like him and I do not want to be in a room alone being interrogated. He invited another boss. Nope. Dont trust them either. I feel like I am on trial here.

I said I do not feel comfortable. His response. Too bad. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to. I looped in my union rep. I will not go without representation because now it’s getting hostile. I said that too

Looking for a new gig. This place sucks. But right now all places suck

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