Hello Comrades,
I was recently told that come April 2024, my contract for my job will not be renewed. I work at a place in which it is 50/50 FTEs and Contractors. My only hope was to get a full time role here, but I have only worked here for 6 months. It normally takes people years to secure an FTE role, time I do not have. They are not going to give it to some guy who has been here less than a year long. I am now coming to realize how f*cked I am. I think for me to think I can secure a role like that is very arrogant + stupid of me to bank on.
I do not know where my next paycheck will come from on 04/01/2023 and am quite scared. People at work have told me that if I just put in 300% effort there is a chance I could get that, but this is also stupid capitalist propaganda.
I have been applying to jobs for a month casually to see where the market is right now and it is AWFUL. I have not received a single interview. I have no idea what to do. My job is now no longer a priority for myself since I do not have a future here or in this industry. I am going to apply to jobs everyday and start lying on my resume more and more as we approach April. I am also going to do the bare minimum at work till then as I do not care anymore. I have no idea what to do and am scared. I am a 23 year old, single male. I live with roommates. Any advice would be much appreciated.