
Boss took away my weekend, same day

Thought I was in a relatively good spot with my job. Unfortunately I was wrong. I work nights, so if the timing/phrasing of things doesn't quite line up with what you'd assume, that's why. My weekend days are Tuesday Wednesday, and has been that way for a few months now. All of a sudden, earlier today, tuesday morning my boss calls me to his office and tells me I have to work through the week and my weekend days are permanently changed. When I tried to figure out why and if something couldn't be done, none of the reasons he gave legitimately justified why it had to be done today and not next week. And I get how that sounds, maybe I'm assuming and maybe I'm just upset and don't know the full story. I am upset and I'm not assuming and I do know the story. See I'm one…

Thought I was in a relatively good spot with my job. Unfortunately I was wrong. I work nights, so if the timing/phrasing of things doesn't quite line up with what you'd assume, that's why.

My weekend days are Tuesday Wednesday, and has been that way for a few months now. All of a sudden, earlier today, tuesday morning my boss calls me to his office and tells me I have to work through the week and my weekend days are permanently changed. When I tried to figure out why and if something couldn't be done, none of the reasons he gave legitimately justified why it had to be done today and not next week. And I get how that sounds, maybe I'm assuming and maybe I'm just upset and don't know the full story. I am upset and I'm not assuming and I do know the story.

See I'm one of 2 people with the same weekend setup, and the other person is a lead substitute and he got a different gig and won't be able to cover my bosses days off. See my boss only allowed it while he got coverage, but now that it doesn't benefit him directly, to make scheduling easier, I'm forbidden from doing it. And it had to change, NOW. He KNEW the other guy was leaving, and could have changed it weeks ago, with forewarning. But NOPE. I get told same-day and all my shit goes belly up. It's hard enough on nights, I work 12 in a row with mostly 12 hour days. And now I dont get my regularly scheduled weekend when I've been planing it for weeks? Fuck off.

Maybe not the biggest deal for some, but for me it impacts me a bit more since I'm high functioning with autism and things being expected is a huge thing for me. I've been upset all day and called out, as I should have anyway as its my day off, but I called out for mental reason which are true. I can't even do my plans properly without being upset, so I wrote this to vent.

HR says there's no rule in the handbook against what he did, so now I get to appeal to the manager and see if he will wipe the call out off my record. Wish me luck~

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