
Boss tried to commit wage theft and I shattered his fragile ego.

Sorry this is bit of a long one but I would love some opinions on what's about to go down Monday. I work in an ER in the US and have worked nights the past year. Rarely ever talk to my boss but word around the ER is he's a misogynistic asshole with a big, but oh so fragile, ego to match. My last paycheck I noticed I was short about 1 hr and 30 min. This was 2, 30 minute lunches as one was a DT shift I picked up so I texted our head of scheduling and asked why. She texted me a picture of a “no lunch” sheet and told me I wasn't written down for any reason. This is the first time in my year of being here I've ever see this sheet, and mind you, I've been not taking lunches in the past and getting…

Sorry this is bit of a long one but I would love some opinions on what's about to go down Monday. I work in an ER in the US and have worked nights the past year. Rarely ever talk to my boss but word around the ER is he's a misogynistic asshole with a big, but oh so fragile, ego to match.

My last paycheck I noticed I was short about 1 hr and 30 min. This was 2, 30 minute lunches as one was a DT shift I picked up so I texted our head of scheduling and asked why. She texted me a picture of a “no lunch” sheet and told me I wasn't written down for any reason. This is the first time in my year of being here I've ever see this sheet, and mind you, I've been not taking lunches in the past and getting paid normally. ERs are busy places and typically lunches don't happen or I'm too in the flow to go.

Anyhow, I told her I'd be more diligent in taking my lunches in the future as this was a new policy and I'm only just now hearing about it. I said I still needed to be paid for hours worked. The second I gave kickback she sent me over to the ER director. I texted him the same thing I did the scheduling lady and he told me I needed to get the charge nurses that worked that shift to give him a reason why I didn't take my lunch and then he would pay me.

I said (exactly) “OK, I'll be sure to do that, regardless of the reason I still worked those hours and need to be payed for them. Thanks.” To which, he responded (exact words here) “If it's appropriate, I'll pay you.” I practically laughed out loud at this point because he just gave me, in writing, that he was going to commit wage theft if he found the reason “inappropriate.”

I texted him that if the reason wasn't appropriate he can write me up but I still need to be payed regardless. Effectively reiterating what I've already said and added that it's not legal to not pay employees for hours worked. At this point he tried to call me and I promptly declined. I texted him saying I'd be more comfortable having this conversation over text. He then tried to call again and I still declined. He didn't text or call again after that.

Shortly after I went to HR, it was my day off and I needed to pick up my check anyways. To my discomfort the asshole showed up. At this point I'd been waiting 10 minutes for the only lady in HR to get off the phone and he had walked in past me to talk to her. She pretty quickly got off the phone once he arrived and I asked for my check. She asked if I needed anything else and I said I'd love to talk to her. At this point my boss interjected that we should all 3 sit down and have a chat together becauese “we're all here for the same thing.” The hostility seeping from this man was palpable and I wanted nothing to do with him while he was this riled up.

The HR lady caught on to this and asked if I would want to talk alone and I said yes. My boss decided he got to talk to her first even though I had been here first. After waiting about 5 minutes he came out and said that we're going to have a chat in his office on my next shift on Monday. Awesome. I went to the hr lady and explained the texts. She said everyone was on the same page and that I was getting paid. I asked if she saw the texts, she said he showed her and I mentioned the quite literal if, then statement I was given. She said that texts can be easily misinterpreted and that he didn't mean that literally. (What the hell else could he have meant??) Anyway I told her he was being unprofessional and egotistical because I told him no he has to pay me and she said that she would address that. I also mentioned how he's having me meet him in his office this Monday and she said she'll be there and she wants us to resolve any awkwardness between us. Lucky me.

I've already been looking for a job and I'm quitting regardless of what happens in this meeting Monday due to other reasons piling up. Frankly, I don't even want to go to it but I'm curious as hell to see what he has to say for himself. What do you guys think I should prepare for? Cause honestly I know he's gonna try throw this back on me. Thanks!!

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