
Boss trying to change my vacation time from what we agreed on

I asked my boss for a week off in October at the start of this month and she said yes but now that we are 3 days away from the start of my vacation she’s attempting to change the agreed apon vacation time. The following lines is what is going on. Me “hey boss I want the first week of October off” jes “sure put in the request” me “puts in the request” boss “approves request” boss 4 days before my pto time “hey Matt we need to push the vacation back to Thursday through Wednesday “ me “boss I’ve got plans and you said I could have this upcoming week off” boss “but we don’t have coverage no one can come to take over” me “then you shouldn’t have said I could take that week off. Find someone cause I’m taking that time weither you have someone or not.”…

I asked my boss for a week off in October at the start of this month and she said yes but now that we are 3 days away from the start of my vacation she’s attempting to change the agreed apon vacation time. The following lines is what is going on. Me “hey boss I want the first week of October off” jes “sure put in the request” me “puts in the request” boss “approves request” boss 4 days before my pto time “hey Matt we need to push the vacation back to Thursday through Wednesday “ me “boss I’ve got plans and you said I could have this upcoming week off” boss “but we don’t have coverage no one can come to take over” me “then you shouldn’t have said I could take that week off. Find someone cause I’m taking that time weither you have someone or not.” What the hell is wrong with this company.

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