
Boss uses unattributed statements claiming mistakes were made

First time antiwork poster. Ill try to be brief, and writing from my phone. So ive had a new boss for the last 4 months and she's nearly completely taken over work assignments from myself and 2 other subordinates. She claims shes doing this so she can see what we're working on and doing it correctly. The problem with that is she's not assigning new work for us and its leaving us with alot of free time. My two staff brought up these concerns to me and claimed they had alot of free time and wanted more work. So when i brought this up to my boss she got very defensive saying theres plenty of work to go around and followed it up with we're doing a great job. However, after that, she claimed she'd gotten complaints from other division managers that i'd been misinforming them regarding policies or procedures.…

First time antiwork poster. Ill try to be brief, and writing from my phone.
So ive had a new boss for the last 4 months and she's nearly completely taken over work assignments from myself and 2 other subordinates. She claims shes doing this so she can see what we're working on and doing it correctly. The problem with that is she's not assigning new work for us and its leaving us with alot of free time. My two staff brought up these concerns to me and claimed they had alot of free time and wanted more work. So when i brought this up to my boss she got very defensive saying theres plenty of work to go around and followed it up with we're doing a great job. However, after that, she claimed she'd gotten complaints from other division managers that i'd been misinforming them regarding policies or procedures. That genuinely threw me off because i have great relationships with the managers that i support, and so i asked her “what were the issues that were brought up to her, and which division managers” and she responded with “does it matter?”. I was pretty shocked at that response as supervision 101 is always bring specific examples when addressing employee concerns. I told her “well it would be helpful to know which specific issues were brpught up so i can correct them” she responded in an angry tone “oh, ok. I have them and can definitely show you them.” Now im left wondering if theres legit performance concerns or if shes posturing and trying to intimidate me. Either way, im waay more confused than angry at the situation and would like some advice on how to handle?

Again, shes been my boss for 4 months now. Shes new to my dept., ive been there 2 yrs now, no performance issues have ever come up. Im wondering if this is just an intimidation tactic, and if so, should i elevate that concern or wait to see if she actually produces examples? (Id be very surprised if there were examples. But obvi not against correcting any of my mistakes.)

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